
Some catchup on events long gone--there was a tropical storm that hit the heart (and electric grid) of Texas, so much so that around 2 million Texans were without power. Unfortunately, I was one of those 2 million, which meant that for a week-ish, I had to deal with batteries and flashlights and restless siblings and no A/C. L was constantly berating me with his expressed boredom, interjecting my reading time, and honestly just being a nuisance in general.

It went down as so: a board of scientists (probably those that specialize in Weather; weather-people as a friend would call them) had determined that Texas, our coastal sisters, et. al. were to bear the brunt of a Category One Hurricane, which is, according to said weather-people, the weakest type of hurricane. However, there was a miscalculation made on their part: a miscalculation that it would make itself onto land, and through Science and Such become a Tropical Storm, which is bad and, as proven through how I lived, much too powerful for the infrastructure of Texas. It slayed thousands of power-lines as well as trees, backyard fences, roofing, big trees, and small trees, and whatnot.

Felix Vallotton -- The Wind (1910)

Post-Tropical Storm life was pretty grim. With no electricity due to the strange idea of Texan urban planners to have an electric grid entirely separate from the one that every other American has, 2 million Texans, as mentioned before, were without power and Internet, which meant there was no way to text or call or be online. This was an especially costly blow to my siblings, who spend most of their time texting or calling or being online.

So, thanks to my Dad's girlfriend, 'A' (Let's veer off here, actually. For a while now, I had suspected that my lonely Dad had gotten a girlfriend since the divorce three years ago--it feels like it was just yesterday!--through his church network; my suspicions were a new character that would hang around a lot: 'S'. They would call all the time and were the responsible party for our turtles if we were ever out the house. But now, there's 'A', a character that had just been introduced not even a week ago, that seems to be a loiterer whenever my Dad is home. My suspicions of this new character being the new girlfriend were proven correct when 'L', last week, just flat out asked me if I knew.) allowed my Dad and my two younger siblings to stay at her house because power had come back on two days post-disaster.

I had to stay back at the powerless house, just to be there if it ever decided to resuscitate. 'R' was here too, my other brother. A major 'thorn' though, was that my Mom had left to go to Vietnam for a month (To branch off again, there was an incident at Dad's pre-disaster that led to me having to leave Bree's birthday celebration with her family. I had gotten a phone call mid-candle-blow from Mom, who sounded distraught when I picked up, crying and sputtering about how 'Dad had pulled a camera out when [she] came to pick up 'L' and 'V', and that [she] didn't know what was going on.' So, through my clenched teeth, I opted to drive 40 minutes back to where I had just come from and talk to my Dad about this incident. In short, 'L' was feeling down after some, I'm assuming, harsh banter with his online friends, souring his mood. Because of this, he no longer wanted to see Mom, but she was not made aware of why he didn't. So stuff happens and Dad pulls out his phone camera--he justifies doing so because, in his mind, it would act as a buffer to keep Mom from escalating knowing she was being recorded--and then Mom barges in 'L's bedroom, raises her voice a little, and then leaves after fifteen minutes of not being able to break through to him. Then that's it, she's off to Vietnam.). Conveniently, her vacation in Vietnam started before the storm hit, which meant that because her power went out, I was responsible for its maintenance, which inclines me to certain 'chores': clean out the fridges and freezers of spoiled food, come by every day to see if power ever comes back, and water the plants.

Paul Cox -- Flâneries (2013)

Okay, to be honest, I am getting bored of talking about the tropical storm. In frankness, not much changed in my lifestyle other than charging my phone in the car and finishing off Franny and Zooey by Salinger, which, if you haven't heard, is a delight. It might have impacted how I write a little too much, which almost certainly will stabilize back to normal after a couple weeks of abstinence.

I think I say this every post, but I am so excited for the future of The Rockets. We drafted Sheppard at the third, and he's been paying dividends in the Summer League, dropping 21 points, I believe, whilst displaying sparks of sharp play-making and impressive basketball IQ. Him and Whitmore are going to be cold-blooded killers when the season starts.

world happenings

This past Sunday was the hottest day ever recorded, according to the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service. The average planetary temperature that day topped out at 17.09 degrees Celsius (62.76 degrees Fahrenheit), breaking a record set—you guessed it—last year. Prior to last year the previous record average temperature high for a single day was 16.8 degrees Celsius, set in 2016. According to Copernicus, the planet has surpassed that temperature 57 times over the past year. -- Foreign Exchanges

This happened a while ago, but I hate the Boston Celtics. With them winning the championship, the next decade of annoying ad nauseam gloating will bellow from the underbelly of the city of Boston, spreading and emanating basketball fascism across this God forsaken country. Fuck you Jayson Tatum I hate you so much and Payton Pritchard please leave and join the Spurs I beg of you.

I hung out with friends today: P, M, and B. Every once a month we decide to gather for dinner, which is nice, because it's once a month. Today, we hung out at JINYA, a ramen chain restaurant located in The Heights. It sits right next to a Hopdoddy's and a bakery. I ordered the Tonkotsu BLACK and--after some serious pondering--a strawberry lemonade.

We discussed some stuff, relating to love and life and all that, P is moving out to Chicago and will be missed. I often times feel like I'm aware of things, but then things change and I feel like I'm off-pace. Things are constantly shifting around me but me, I am stagnant.

Georgia O'Keeffe -- Special (1916-1917)

The vibes at Agora were okay. It's a coffee place sitting on the corner of Westheimer and Dunlavy. It's got this hard brick exterior with 'Agora' written in a Greek Dafont font on the front, the interior is completely wooden and latticed. Beams everywhere, probably mahogany or something. On the walls are all these different kinds of Greek and Roman paraphanelia: statues, pictures of statues, artifacts (mostly fake), pictures of artifacts (mostly real). It's completely off-putting compared to the music that plays there. . .by God. . .what awful music. Late 2000's to Early 2010's indie uke music, stuff that only rears its head when in the recommended videos of a freshly made YouTube account in 2014. Seriously awful. The only real redeeming and charming quality of the place is the fact that there are people that go there, and those people are real people. Chess players, college students, couples who just want to be somewhere. The heat is real. It's also well air-conditioned.

We hung out with two of M's friends/family, a very brutish and humorous lesbian, and a woman with a nose job--it looked really good, very straight slope down. We talked about stuff with M, stuff I can't share, but it was an overall funny and happy experience! Whenever her friends/family were around when we were around, whether it be dinner parties or birthdays, there was always a distance held between the two groups (M's friends and M's family). The distance is closing.

James Ensor -- Cranes Fleuris (1909)

I'm desparate for the NBA Draft. It should come sooner, should come now. I want to see who we pick, it doesn't matter who I just want to see. A lot hay has been made for both Clingan and Sheppard, two guys that I'm not really familiar with, but out of the two, I think Sheppard might be a good pick for us. L thinks he's too short and a defensive liability, I say fuck the offense and pick a shooter. He's got a pristine jumper, and it'd be nice to have more than one guy on our team that can shoot.

Big hopes of Tari Eason and Sengun to be ultra-healthy next year. We could be real chip contenders within the next 5 years if nothing goes wrong!

world happenings

"The Israeli military (IDF) killed at least 39 Palestinians in airstrikes across northern Gaza on Saturday, one day after it killed at least 25 Palestinians in the supposed “safe zone” of al-Mawasi in southern Gaza. Saturday’s death toll appears to have resulted from the IDF’s attempt to kill Hamas’s Gaza City commander, Raed Saad. There’s no indication as to whether Saad was among the dead. The IDF killed at least eight Palestinians on Sunday in a strike on a United Nations Relief and Works Agency facility in Gaza City." -- Foreign Exchanges